Tuesday 12 February 2013

Homophobia (3rd Entry)

"That's so gay,"

Homophobia is a rarely looked term, ignored in its use, loosely thrown at another person. Although the term "gay" was once to describe immense happiness, the culture and people of following generations moulded it to a newer meaning. As if a part of the norm, it is seldom that people consider the definition of their insults. In Timothy Findley's novel, "The Wars," homophobia is demonstrated in Robert' reaction on finding out that Taffler was homosexual. At the beginning in which they first make their acquaintances, Clifford and Robert awed and respected Taffler for his contribution to the war and his return. However, after peeking through the peephole, Robert was outraged, throwing a clock against the wall. In my interpretation, I can imagine that Robert was quite shocked along with disappointed. Also, using some hindsight, I can imagine that being homosexual was very distasteful in that time period. Furthermore, as Robert described in his experience, he went to the whorehouse to escape the accusation that he was homosexual himself. Admittedly, when I find out that a new celebrity or famous figure openly exclaims they're sexuality, I am shocked. As a result of this small portion of the novel, my new inquiry question is why having such an orientation is frowned upon and how that can be changed.

1 comment:

  1. I was surprised to know this book included provocativeness. It's so unexpected. Very unpredictable of what will happen next.
